miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Hands lifted up with praise and surrender

On Monday a missions team came down from Reno Nevada, to head up a VBS  for this week. Today was the first day of VBS  the theme is Hawaiian. There where a lot of kids that came out and they had a lot of fun.  I was helping out with the five and six year olds which was a lot of fun it reminded me of being at home in some ways, because when I was home I thought Sunday school to four and five year olds so I enjoyed working with the age group that I had. Even though I could not under stand the bible teaching I could understand the part when it came to praying and excepting Christ I saw this one girl when to came time to pray with her hands lifted up which me think about the symbolism in raising your hands up to the lord. A sign of surrender, and this little girl got that she wanted to  give her life to Jesus. It just moves me when I just see little life’s come to know Jesus. Even though I could not understand what was being prayed because of the language bearer it did  not matter because there is no language barrier with God he is the one who bridges the gap. The worship was another thing that I enjoyed doing with the kids that’s another thing that I just love hearing when I go to other countries and I hear people worshiping in another language, because   even though I do not know the words I can still worship the lord with them. Because God is not just listening to the songs that we sing to him but the attitudes of are hearts. I went to an English speaking church on Sunday and he was talking about worship and one of the things that he was talking about was that worship is not just singing songs to the lord but it is how we live  are life’s every day are they glorifying God.  

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