Yesterday I met up with one of the girls from the church Natalya and we could ketch a bus to her house once we got to her house I talked to her mom for a little bit while weighting for her to get ready for the beach. Once getting to the beach I was marveling at Gods creation and how wonderful it is. this particular beach had rocks imbedded near by the shore leading up to the water. In Job chapter 26 it talks about the greatness of God one of the verses that reminds me of the ocean is in verse 10 it says “He hath compassed the waters with bounds until the day and the night come to an end.” While walking on the beach it was covered with seashells me and Natalya where looking at all the different seashells she found a lot of nice ones, that she had then given to me, and I found some also to give to her. During my time spent with her we would go back and forth with me asking her how to say some thing in Spanish, and her asking me how to say some thing in English. She got really creative she started to write words in the sand, and then I started doing the same. One of the words was world so she drew a world and asked me to write the word out in English for it. After spending some time at the beach we went back to her place to listen to some music then she brought up this program on the internet called Google translator so you can type some thing in English and then it will translate into Spanish vise a versa. So when we where having a hard time talking to each other we would type in what we wanted to say to each other. After a little while we headed to the store and got some cookies and Soda, and then took them back to her house. While eating the cookies and drinking the soda we where showing each other pictures on face book of are friends and family. Latter on we headed out to meet up with Matt, and Brook and there family along with Justine, and Michaela at this smoothie place as me and Natalya started heading down it started to down pour. On are way we had to stop and take cover because we where getting soaked. When we eventually got there me saw Justine and Michaela as we wanted for Matt and brook to come we got some thing to eat. Once they had gotten there they had treated all of us to smoothies I had gotten a passion fruit and strawberry smoothie since I really like smoothies and strawberries are my favorite fruit it made me very happy. So yesterday was a very enjoyable day and I enjoyed hanging out with my knew friend Natalya.
domingo, 26 de junio de 2011
martes, 21 de junio de 2011
Hear i,am lord send me
On Sunday it was my first time going to Bridge community church the church kind of looked like a Hawaiian hut on the outside. It was going to a church service where they spoke English. The time of worship was really good there is this one song that we sung that I really liked it was called glory to God it was my first time hearing it. The study was on Colossians chapter one verse 24 till the end. A couple of points that he made that I really liked is the Christian life is not about trying it’s about dying. Another thing that he said that I really like was it’s not us plus Jesus that we can do things it’s all Jesus living in us it’s nothing that we can do with in ourselves. After church Rebecca had brought me home she is pastor Phil’s wife he is the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Villarreal where the kids program takes place. Later that night was church before church had started I was talking to one of the girls Natalia which is what they call me hear as we’ll, so we got talking a little bit since she knows a little bit of English. She introduced me to her mom, and her mom seems really nice she invited me to come over to her house on Saturday. So I, am glade about that it’s nice that I, am starting to connect with the people hear. During Church service I sat in the back with brook and Matt, and this Guy Cody who is going to be interning at the church for a year. Brook was interpreting the message for me and Cody since the message was in Spanish. Pastor Phil was teaching in the book of Revelation which I always enjoy hearing teachings on. Towards the end of the study He was talking about the great commission in Matthew how it says to make disciples of all nations, it was just a great reminder of what God has called me to do, and I want to continue to be obedient in what he calls me to do. That when he ask who will go for me I will say hear I, am Lord send me. It reminds me of this song by down hear that goes like this hear am I Lord send me some how my storey is apart of your plan… After the teaching there was a time of worship They where singing the songs in Spanish but there was a few songs that I knew so I sang them in English. One of my favorite things about going to another country is the worship, because we are all worshiping God together no matter what language we speak and it sounds all the same to him. The time of worship was extended for an after glow, which was nice because I realy got a chance to reflect on the message, and be still before the lord. I love moments like those where you can just since Gods presence and you can feel your self drawing closer to him.
sábado, 18 de junio de 2011
The sunseting of one day and the beganing of another
The last couple of days I went to Matt and Brooke's house, and I helped with one of the booklits for the kids club. Then me Justine and the kids watched two episiods of little house on the prairie, and had some lunch using this really good bread for are sandwiches. After that we headed back to the apartment, and later on was bible study with the kids. We played blog tag with the kids. It's when you tag someone, and once you do, you grab hands with one another and form a link. After that there was a time of worship with the kids. The kids where pretty talkitive so we kept on having to tell them to be quiet which is "silenco", which means to be silent, so I got to know this word pretty well because of it. One of the girls Jessica drew me a picture which made me very happy knowing that I'm connecting with some of the kids. Because sometimes I will get discouraged, because I feel like I'm not connecting with the kids because of the language barrier, but it is those little things that the kids do that makes you realize that you are connecting with them. Later there where different groups of kids divided by age. And they where playing this game where they had to eat different things and which ever team finished first won. The team that won would win suckers. yesterday morning I was reading in a devsional and it was Psalm 3:3 "But thou, O Lord are a shield for me the glory and the lifter of mine head". Which was really encouraging because I was just reading Psalm 3 last night so it was God reminding me of that verse. That God is my shield and exceedingly great reward, and he is the lifter of my head. Yesterday I went and finished the booklet for the kids program. Then later on, I got to call home and talk to my family it made me happy hearing their voices. Because lately I have been missing them. Then to make the night even better Matt and Brooke took us to one of their favorite out look places which had a nice view, you could see the ocean. Then went to the ocean, I waded around in the water for a while then Isabelle and Audrey...Matt, and Brooke's two daughters came in and I was playing with them in the water than before I knew it, I was completely wet! O well I wasn't expecting to stay to dry for long any ways. We stayed at the beach to watch the sunset it was so beautiful it's one of my favorite things to do, I just think it is so neat how no sunset is the same, and how each sunset is like a painting in the sky. After that we went out to dinner and got Pizza they ordered a cheese-less Hawiian pizza for me, which was so nice of them and it was very yummy. This made for a wounderful night and cheered me up.
martes, 14 de junio de 2011
The out pour of joy
This morning me, Justine, and Michaela prayed together, and I think that we are going to make this a daily thing, which I'm glad because I think it is an important thing to pray together, in one accord, and there is something about praying together that brings unity. It also says in the Bible that where two or more are gathered in My name there I Am in the midst of them. Then we finished getting ready for the day and headed over to the church, to see what the plan was for the day. We ended up going to the store to get a few things, a couple of those things where water, and a new fan because ours broke yesterday. Which these two things are essential for living in Costa Rica. After getting back from the store me and Justine went over to Matt and Brooke's house , so Matt could help us with studying Spanish. I'm glad to that he is helping us learn spanish, beacuse I really want to learn more so I can communicate with the kids and the pepole here. In learning Spanish it really got me thinking, about looking into taking some Spanish classes when I get back to New York. I was thinking that it would be a good language to keep on learning, and who know's what the Lord might have me use it for in the future. It has rained a few times since I have been here, but today it poured. At the beganing of the kids club is when it really started to rain, seeing all this ran reminded me of the song open the flood gates of heaven let it rain let it rain.... this is the most rain that I have seen in a long time. There was this gutter where alot of water was coming out of and the kids kept on going under neath it and getting soaking weat. And then eventually before I knew it I was being dragged over to get wet, Justine was assisting them, I started to try and escape then after a while I was like what's the use I might as well just get wet or should I say drenched. It was a lot of fun, and the kids where having so much fun before you knew it every kid was drenched, along with all of us adults from this out pour of water. Then after our fun in the water I helped out Matt in teaching some songs to the kids in English one of the songs was here is the church, here is the steaple, open up the church and where are all the pepole. Then it went into, here is the church here is the steaple, open up the church, there are all the pepole. I had so much fun teaching the kids this song. For dinner we had hamburgers and french fries, let me just say it was quite yummy! During dinner time I sat next to one of the boys Hecter, I so wish that I knew more Spanish so I could talk to him. This is one thing that you could be praying for me about, because I so want to be able to learn more Spanish. After dinner Don Victor, one the staff members started this game with the kids that is almost like hot potato. He had his back turned hitting a top of a pan lid and you had to pass the ball around and when he turned around who ever had the ball was out. As the kids started leaving one of the girls Cindy gave me a hug as she left, she is such a sweet girl her and her brother Hecter are both part of the program. I can't say enough how much joy that these kids bring to me seeing them each day makes me smile, from the inside out.
lunes, 13 de junio de 2011
Your love is deeper than any ocean
On the tenth, Justine and I went to the beach with Matt, Brooke, and their family along with another family. It was such a pretty beach the water was crystal clear. And the sand felt so nice to walk upon. I just like the feeling when you are walking towards the water and the wave just starts to hit your feet. And as the waves go away you can feel your feet start sinking in the sand. It makes me think about the song of Christ "The Solid Rock I Stand", and how all other ground is sinking sand. The beach is one of my favorite places to go I just like admiring God's creation, I just stand in awe it's so beautiful I'm just reminded of another song that has the lyrics, "Your love is deeper than any ocean" in it. When looking at the ocean I just think about how vast it is, and I think about how vast the love of God, and it's deeper than anything that we can comprehend. As I go deeper into the ocean the waves are pretty strong, so it's hard to start to walk deeper into the ocean but once you are there it is so much fun just letting the waves carry you away. When I was taking a break and just sitting on the beach one of the boys from the family comes up to me, and he looks so cute with his little life vest on, his name is Andre. When I asked him how old he was he was like 2 1/2 not just 2 but he made sure to tell me that he was two and a half, I thought that it was so funny. Through out the day I went from swiming in the water to playing in the sand with the kids. One of the times I was helping the kids beary themselves in the sand. Later on, when I was swiming, Justine saw this creature that looks like a jelly fish but it is called porchagees manna wars, which was only a small one so I quickly started getting out of the water. I ran into Matt telling him about what we saw, and he said to be careful, because when he was snorkling just a little while before and he had gotten stung. Then a little while later, come to find out that Dave, along with two of his sons got stung. What started out being a good day at the beach ended up being not so good so we left shortly after with our stings, and me and Justine sporting our sunburns.
viernes, 10 de junio de 2011
The road traveled
I was walking down the street yesterday, and i was just thinking about how good that God is and how thankfull that i,am that i have been given the opertunity to come down hear, and serve him. That this time last year I never would have thought that i would be hear in Costa Rica. It just goes to show that man plans out things, but it is the lord that directs his steps. He takes the desires of are heart and usees them acourding to his will and purpose, and in a way that we could never think that he would. As i countinued walking down the road i went by this work area and there is a real friendly man who is always out there working, who always says Ohla, but that day he said hi, and it through me off, so i said Chow back to him. It was just so neet that he was talking to me in english even if it was just a hi, it was the fact that he was makeing the attempt to speak to me in English. Today during bible clube i was doing worship with the kids there, and there where some words that i could not understand, but it just brought me so much joy doing the worship with thm, and the hand mottions, and seeing all of there smilieing faces. Pastor Phill's daughter Eden who is six was siting next to me she is so cute she saw me trying to sing the songs in Spanish, and she asked me if i wanted her to teach me the song in english, So i was like shure. After worship we broke up into groups acording to the age groups, i was with the younger kids which is a age group that i like, beacuse it's the age level that i have thought Sunday school to. There are a few kids in that age group who act up alot, but it makes me think and wounder what there home life is like. One of the boys in the group Gabrel, i seem to conect with God, has given me a heart the kids, but for him i partimcularly have a heart for.
Laughter lifes mediecen.
So day two, in my journey in Costa Rica i started out the morning attempting to make pancakes for Justine just lets say it did'nt go very we'll. lol the storey of my life i can't go a day with out a moment that's when you need to just laugh at your self lifes to short not to. To make the morning better i had some Mango i just love fresh fruit in other countries. For lunch me Michala and Justine went over to Matt, and Brooks house for lunch, there I got to meet Brook and the rest of the family, Audrey who is six years old, Ethan who is eleven, Esabel who is nine, Audrey was a little shy at first but it did'nt take long for her to warm up to me. During lunch i got to hear about Matt, and Brooks testamoney of how they ended up in Costa Rica. I just like hearing about what God does in the life of others. Latter on was the kids program it was parents night, the night was spent with all differen't activities towards the end i got to play a game with one of the boys Gabrel, who speaks in Spanish very fast. Since i realy don't know any Spanish it's hard to understand him. The game involved using two padles and a pin pong ball, the object of the game is to pass the pin pong ball back and forth, and to get it into the cup, which we where not able to do but we had fun any way. For dinner we had rice that had sea food in it which was realy good along with french fries, and beans, all of it was realy yummy. So that pretty much sums up day two in Costa Rica.
miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011
The first days advanture in Costa Rica
The first night that I got here I saw my first cockroach I asked Justine if it was a beetle but she said no it's a cockroach. The next day first thing in the morning I woke up because I thought that I had heard Justine screaming but later I figured out that it was a rooster. The rest of the day was spent at the church. The head staff member Matt who over sees the Potters Field Kids program with his wife Broke, had introduced me to the kids. I'm trying to learn more Spanish so I can better comunicate with the people here especically the kids. When I attempt to speak Spanish it dosen't always go well but they are patient in teaching me. I have had some funny instances so far. One of the boys had his hand raised because Victor one of the staff members had asked him a question, and he said, "Yo" so I replied "Yo!" to him because I thought that he was saying yo as in, yo what's up. Michaela just laughed at me and said what he was saying me. At dinner time I pointed to one of the boys cups and said "Bebe" which in spanish means drink but I guess here they don't call a drink that. I knew this because the boy looked at me and laughed to his friend he probably thought that I was crazy or as they would say it loco. During the kids program I was walking around observing every thing that was going on. And helping out Justine, and Victor a little bit in the kitchen, but mostly watched to see how things are done. I got to do the hokey pokey with the kids it was so much fun. Matt was teaching it to them in English. They seemed to enjoy it, I know I did. It just brought me so much joy just to see all there smiling faces, you could tell from that how excited they were. So that was my first day I'm so glad to be here I can't wait to spend more time with the kids. And to get to know the staff members here better.
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