lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Your love is deeper than any ocean

On the tenth, Justine and I went to the beach with Matt, Brooke, and their family along with another family. It was such a pretty beach the water was crystal clear. And the sand felt so nice to walk upon. I just like the feeling when you are walking towards the water and the wave just starts to hit your feet. And as the waves go away you can feel your feet start sinking in the sand. It makes me think about the song of Christ "The Solid Rock I Stand", and how all other ground is sinking sand. The beach is one of my favorite places to go I just like admiring God's creation, I just stand in awe it's so beautiful I'm just reminded of another song that has the lyrics, "Your love is deeper than any ocean" in it. When looking at the ocean I just think about how vast it is, and I think about how vast the love of God, and it's deeper than anything that we can comprehend. As I go deeper into the ocean the waves are pretty strong, so it's hard to start to walk deeper into the ocean but once you are there it is so much fun just letting the waves carry you away. When I was taking a break and just sitting on the beach one of the boys from the family comes up to me, and he looks so cute with his little life vest on, his name is Andre. When I asked him how old he was he was like 2 1/2 not just 2 but he made sure to tell me that he was two and a half, I thought that it was so funny. Through out the day I went from swiming in the water to playing in the sand with the kids. One of the times I was helping the kids beary themselves in the sand. Later on, when I was swiming, Justine saw this creature that looks like a jelly fish but it is called porchagees manna wars, which was only a small one so I quickly started getting out of the water. I ran into Matt telling him about what we saw, and he said to be careful, because when he was snorkling just a little while before and he had gotten stung. Then a little while later, come to find out that Dave, along with two of his sons got stung. What started out being a good day at the beach ended up being not so good so we left shortly after with our stings, and me and Justine sporting our sunburns.

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