viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

The road traveled

I was walking down the street yesterday, and i was just thinking about how good that God is and how thankfull that i,am that i have been given the opertunity to come down hear, and serve him. That this time last year I never would have thought that i would be hear in Costa Rica. It just goes to show that man plans out things, but it is the lord that directs his steps. He takes the desires of are heart and usees them acourding to his will and purpose, and in a way that we could never think that he would. As i countinued walking down the road i went by this work area and there is a real friendly man who is always out there working, who always says Ohla, but that day he said hi, and it through me off, so i said Chow back to him. It was just so neet  that he was talking to me in english even if it was just a hi, it was the fact that he was makeing the attempt to speak to me in English.  Today during bible clube i was doing worship with the kids there, and there where some words that i could not understand, but it just brought me so much joy doing the worship with thm, and the hand mottions, and seeing all of there smilieing faces. Pastor Phill's daughter Eden who is six was siting next to me she is so cute she saw me trying to sing the songs in Spanish, and she asked me if i wanted her to teach me the song in english, So i was like shure. After worship we broke up into groups acording to the age groups, i was with the younger kids which is a age group that i like, beacuse it's the age level that i have thought Sunday school to. There are a few kids in that age group who act up alot, but it makes me think and wounder what there home life is like. One of the boys in the group  Gabrel, i seem to conect with God, has given me a heart the  kids, but for him i partimcularly have a heart for.  

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