martes, 14 de junio de 2011

The out pour of joy

This morning me, Justine, and Michaela prayed together, and I think that we are going to make this a daily thing, which I'm glad because I think it is an important thing to pray together, in one accord, and there is something about praying together that brings unity. It also says in the Bible that where two or more are gathered in My name there I Am in the midst of them. Then we finished getting ready for the day and headed over to the church, to see what the plan was for the day. We ended up going to the store to get a few things, a couple of those things where water, and a new fan because ours broke yesterday. Which these two things are essential for living in Costa Rica. After getting back from the store me and Justine went over to Matt and Brooke's house , so Matt could help us with studying Spanish. I'm glad to that he is helping us learn spanish, beacuse I really want to learn more so I can communicate with the kids and the pepole here. In learning Spanish it really got me thinking, about looking into taking some Spanish classes when I get back to New York. I was thinking that it would be a good language to keep on learning, and who know's what the Lord might have me use it for in the future. It has rained a few times since I have been here, but today it poured. At the beganing of the kids club is when it really started to rain, seeing all this ran reminded me of the song open the flood gates of heaven let it rain let it rain.... this is the most rain that I have seen in a long time. There was this gutter where alot of water was coming out of and the kids kept on going under neath it and getting soaking weat. And then eventually before I knew it I was being dragged over to get wet, Justine was assisting them, I started to try and escape then after a while I was like what's the use I might as well just get wet or should I say drenched. It was a lot of fun, and the kids where having so much fun before you knew it every kid was drenched, along with all of us adults from this out pour of water. Then after our fun in the water I helped out Matt in teaching some songs to the kids in English one of the songs was here is the church, here is the steaple, open up the church and where are all the pepole. Then it went into, here is the church here is the steaple, open up the church, there are all the pepole. I had so much fun teaching the kids this song. For dinner we had hamburgers and french fries, let me just say it was quite yummy! During dinner time I sat next to one of the boys Hecter, I so wish that I knew more Spanish so I could talk to him. This is one thing that you could be praying for me about, because I so want to be able to learn more Spanish. After dinner Don Victor, one the staff members started this game with the kids that is almost like hot potato. He had his back turned hitting a top of a pan lid and you had to pass the ball around and when he turned around who ever had the ball was out. As the kids started leaving one of the girls Cindy gave me a hug as she left, she is such a sweet girl her and her brother Hecter are both part of the program. I can't say enough how much joy that these kids bring to me seeing them each day makes me smile, from the inside out.

1 comentario:

  1. As the saying goes a family that "Prays together stays together" My family and I used to do that too when I was a kid. But now we have our own careers we don't do that anymore.
